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Why Is It Important To LISTEN To Your Audience?

Importance of listening to your audience

One of the best actions you can take to improve the chances of success with respect to business strategies is by listening to your audience. Listening to your audience not only helps you build a powerful strategy, but it also assists in understanding how your company is perceived. Furthermore, you can see where your customers are and what they are interested in. If you haven’t begun listening to your audience, here are some reasons why you should start this practice. 


1. Listen To Understand How Your Company Is Perceived

Listening to conversations about your brand will tell you what your audience thinks about it. You can observe the conversations taking place on Twitter, blogs, discussion forums, LinkedIn, websites, Facebook, etc. Apart from listening to the conversations that are already taking place, you should also pay attention to the nuances of these conversations. Some of the areas that deserve your attention are:      

  1. What are people saying about your brand?
  2. What are the comments (good and bad) they make? 

You will gain insights into where opportunities lie by observing both the negative and positive remarks. This will also give you an upper hand while entering social media marketing. 


2. Listen To Build A Powerful Strategy 

Listen to what people say about your competitors and what the latter is saying about themselves. Understand how the audience is perceiving the pros and cons of your competitors. Apart from that, try to gauge the following as well:  

  1. Competitor’s target audience
  2. Your competitors’ strategy on social media 
  3. Strategies that seem to work for them

Assessing the competitive landscape as given above will give you a glimpse of how buyers are meeting sellers. These observations will come in extremely handy while building a powerful strategy.


3. Listen To Identify Where Your Consumers Are

Every channel attracts different participants, and thus, has a distinct audience with unique interests. You need to access multiple platforms to identify where your target audience hangs out the most and the activities they perform there. Since the users on every site have unique characteristics and behaviours, it is crucial to listen to conversations across many channels. 


4. Listen To Gauge What Your Target Audience Is Interested In 

Once you’re done observing the competitors, start listening to the overall industry. Some of the things that you need to concentrate on are:

  1. Perception of customers/ potential customers/ target audience about your industry
  2. Sentiments (positive/negative) surrounding the industry
  3. Conversations occurring between the firms in the industry and the opportunities created due to these conversations.

Apart from knowing what people talk about frequently, understanding the conversations will help you evaluate what they are interested in the most. This will then help you create content that connects with the consumers on issues that they are passionate about. 


5. Listen To Facilitate Integration

Observing how your consumers naturally interact with each other on social sites will help you sound like them. This will consecutively facilitate integration and participation in the community. Some of the key things to look out for while listening to the tone of the communities are:

  1. Interaction within the customers, especially the jargon, slang, and acronyms used 
  2. Words used most often to describe your competitors and industry
  3. Participation of the brands and the most captivating brands


Now that you are aware of the importance of listening to your audience, spare no time in contacting the right agency to take care of it. For instance, Social SinQ has several social media experts who can gauge where your audience is and what they are interested in. To start listening to your audience through experts, call +14244274207 or +447441416265 right away! 

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